
Search page for documents by institution

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HEALTH CERTIFICATE Ministry of Animal and Fisheries Resources Border Veterinary Health Inspection and Control Service IMPORT
DIAMOND EXPORT AUTHORISATION Ministry of Mines and Geology Directorate General of Mines and Geology EXPORT
AUTHORISATION TO EXPORT PLANT SEED Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Plant Protection, Control and Quality Department EXPORT
WEIGHT AND ANALYSIS CERTIFICATE Ministry of Mines and Geology Ivory Coast Mining Development Company EXPORT
EXCHANGE AUTHORIZATION Ministry of Economy and Finance Association of Insurance Companies of the Ivory Coast IMPORT
WEIGHING CERTIFICATE Ministry of Trade, Industry and Promotion of SMEs Chamber of Commerce & Industry EXPORT
FOREIGN EXCHANGE COMMITMENT Ministry of Economy and Finance Direction des Etablissements de Crédits et des Finances Extérieurs EXPORT
API TO SUPPORT ITS IMAGE Ministry of Culture and Francophonie BURIDA Mechanical Reproduction & Stickers Department IMPORT
INTENTION TO IMPORT WITH PRIOR AUTHORISATION (COMEX) Ministry of Trade, Industry and Promotion of SMEs Trade Regulation Division IMPORT
IMPORT LICENCE (COMEX) Ministry of Trade, Industry and Promotion of SMEs Trade Regulation Division IMPORT
CERTIFICATE FOR NARCOTICS, PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS AND PRECURSORS Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene Department of Pharmacy, Medicines and Laboratories IMPORT
CERTIFICATE FOR VETERINARY MEDICINES Ministry of Animal and Fisheries Resources Department of Pharmacy and Veterinary Medicines IMPORT
PRIOR AUTHORISATION FOR HEVEA EXPORTS Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Cash Crops Division EXPORT
VETERINARY CERTIFICATE FOR IMPORTS Ministry of Animal and Fisheries Resources Animal Nutrition and Agrostology Division IMPORT
AUTHORISATION FOR THE TRANSFER OF HAZARDOUS WASTE Ministry for the Environment and Sustainable Development Industrial Waste and Chemical Substances Management Division IMPORT/EXPORT
API PLASTIC BAGS Ministry for the Environment and Sustainable Development Plant Health Inspection Service IMPORT
KIMBERLEY PROCESS CERTIFICATE Ministry of Mines and Geology Permanent Secretariat of the Kimberley Process Representation in Côte d'Ivoire IMPORT
AUTHORISATION TO EXPORT NON-TIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS Ministry of Water and Forests Production and Forest Industry Department EXPORT
GOLD APPRAISAL CERTIFICATE Ministry of Mines and Geology Ivory Coast Mining Development Company EXPORT
AUTHORISATION TO EXPORT TIMBER PRODUCTS Ministry of Water and Forests Production and Forest Industry Department EXPORT
PROOF OF INSURANCE WITH AN APPROVED COMPANY IN CI Ministry of Economy and Finance Association of Insurance Companies of the Ivory Coast IMPORT
API FOR PESTICIDES Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Crop Protection Department IMPORT
PHYTOSANITARY EXPORT CERTIFICATE Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Plant Health Inspection Service EXPORT
API FOR PLANT AND PLANT-BASED PRODUCTS Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Plant Health Inspection Department IMPORT
CERTIFICATE FOR GENETIC MATERIAL Ministry of Animal and Fisheries Resources Genetic Resources Management Department IMPORT
CERTIFICATE FOR FAIR MEATS AND DELICATESSEN PRODUCTS Ministry of Animal and Fisheries Resources Sub-Directorate for Procurement and Market Regulation IMPORT
CERTIFICATE FOR PRODUCTS INTENDED FOR ANIMAL FEED Ministry of Animal and Fisheries Resources Animal Nutrition and Agrostology Division IMPORT
CIVIO NUMBER Ministry to the Prime Minister in charge of the Budget and State Portfolio Directorate General of Customs IMPORT
AUTHORISATION TO REMOVE PLANT AND PLANT-BASED PRODUCTS Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Plant Health Inspection Service IMPORT
HEALTH PASS Ministry of Animal and Fisheries Resources Border Veterinary Health Inspection and Control Service IMPORT
CERTIFICATE FOR ANIMAL PRODUCTS AND PRODUCTS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN Ministry of Animal and Fisheries Resources Sub-Directorate for Food Hygiene and Safety IMPORT
FORMULA 01 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Coffee and Cocoa Council IMPORT
GOLD CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY Ministry of Mines and Geology Ivory Coast Mining Development Company EXPORT
FINAL CLASSIFICATION AND VALUE REPORT (FCVR) Ministry to the Prime Minister in charge of the Budget and State Portfolio Directorate General of Customs IMPORT
TRANSPORT TICKET (T/T) Ministry of Trade, Industry and Promotion of SMEs Trade Regulation Division IMPORT/EXPORT
ATTESTATION OF VALUE (AV) Ministry to the Prime Minister in charge of the Budget and State Portfolio Directorate General of Customs IMPORT
API FOR ORDINARY MEDICINES Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene Department of Pharmacy, Medicines and Laboratories IMPORT
API FOR SEEDS AND INPUTS (FERTILISERS) Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Seeds and Inputs Division IMPORT
PHYTOSANITARY CONTROL CERTIFICATE Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Plant Health Inspection Service IMPORT
IMPORT DECLARATION FORM (IDF) Ministry of Trade, Industry and Promotion of SMEs Trade Regulation Division IMPORT
GREY CARD Ministry of Transport Directorate General of Customs IMPORT
DETAILED STATEMENT Ministry to the Prime Minister in charge of the Budget and State Portfolio Directorate General of Customs IMPORT/EXPORT
CARGO TRACKING SHEET (BSC) Ministry of Transport Ivorian Shippers' Office IMPORT
API FOR LIVE ANIMALS Ministry of Animal and Fisheries Resources Animal Health Department IMPORT
CERTIFICATE OF VETERINARY INSPECTION Ministry of Animal and Fisheries Resources Border Veterinary Health Inspection and Control Service IMPORT
CERTIFICATE OF EXPORT Ministry of Economy and Finance Credit Institutions and External Finance Department EXPORT
CERTIFICATE OF INSECT CONTROL Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Other EXPORT
ECOWAS CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN Ministry of Trade, Industry and Promotion of SMEs Industrial Promotion and Competitiveness Department EXPORT
AUTHORISATION TO TRADE IN GOLD Ministry of Economy and Finance Credit Institutions and External Finance Department EXPORT
UEMOA CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN Ministry of Trade, Industry and Promotion of SMEs Industrial Promotion and Competitiveness Department EXPORT
AUTHORISATION TO EXPORT MEDICINAL PRODUCTS Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene Department of Pharmacy, Medicines and Laboratories EXPORT
IMPORTER/EXPORTER CODE Ministry of Trade, Industry and Promotion of SMEs Trade Regulation Division IMPORT/EXPORT
DAILY SHIPMENT REPORT FOR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Plant Health Inspection Service IMPORT
DOCKING AUTHORISATION Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Plant Health Inspection Service EXPORT
BOARDING AUTHORISATION Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Coffee and Cocoa Council EXPORT
POTTING AUTHORISATION Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Coffee and Cocoa Council EXPORT