About Us

The Côte d’Ivoire Trade Information Portal is a unique and comprehensive source of information. It brings together in a user-friendly manner all information relating to imports and exports to and from Côte d’Ivoire.

Using this portal will allow all economic actors to obtain information on the regulatory requirements they will need to carry out their transactions. The portal also contains copies of all the documentation necessary for the proper functioning of these operations.

The regulatory requirements available on the portal may involve a number of government agencies. It will help you find out what is required by each agency in the specific case of your business.

This portal is hosted by the website of the Guichet Unique du Commerce Extérieur de Cote d’Ivoire and includes all government agencies involved in the import/export process.

The different organisations represented on this site can be consulted for further information on their respective sites, directly accessible from the “Contact” page.