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There are currently 8 names in this directory beginning with the letter R.

A sum owed by the buyer to the seller as part of a contractual transaction. Receivables may be due (the due date has passed) or payable (the due date is in the future).

Référé provision
Urgent legal action for the rapid recovery (less than one month) of civil or commercial debts for which there are no serious disputes. The Référé Provision" procedure is known as "contradictory": the judge rules after hearing both parties.

Relevé d'identité bancaire (RIB)
Relevé d'identité bancaire (RIB)  means "a document intended to be givenon request

A company may choose to locate its production outside its country of origin to minimise costs.

Action which consists of reminding the customer by telephone, in writing or by e-mail of his contractual obligations. A reminder is preventive if it is sent before the due date. It is amicable after the due date to preserve the commercial relationship. It becomes pre-litigious after the amicable phase and becomes litigious when the debt collection enters the legal phase.

Pro forma restatements made to the balance sheet and income statement, with the aim of providing a better understanding of the company's economic and financial reality. On the balance sheet, the main restatements concern outstanding finance leases, unmatured discounted bills, blocked current accounts, etc. On the income statement, we reclassify lease payments, temporary staff and sub-contracting costs...

Revolving export pre-financing loan
Loan similar to a cash credit which will be granted to an exporting company whose activity is regular. The amount of this loan will be calculated on the basis of the turnover achieved by the said company and its production capacity

Risk points method
A method which determines a risk rating by combining quantitative elements (financial ratios or scorings) and qualitative elements (quality of management, market perception, etc.). This method can help to involve the sales force in the assessment of customer risk, as it allows risk factors estimated by them to be included.