Ministry of Equipment and Road Maintenance


This Ministry is responsible for implementing and monitoring the Government’s policy on providing the country with public works infrastructure. To this end, and in liaison with the various ministerial departments concerned, it has the initiative and responsibility for the following actions:

  • Roads and engineering structures: project management, monitoring the design and construction of road network infrastructures, as well as their maintenance and management regulations.
  • Air, rail, maritime and river-lagoon transport infrastructure: project management, monitoring of the design and construction of airfield, airport, port, national and urban railway and river infrastructure, as well as their maintenance and management regulations.
  • Human water infrastructure: project management, monitoring the design and construction of public water supplies, village water points and improved village water systems, as well as their maintenance and management regulations.


Immeuble Postel 2001, Plateau
B.P. V 6 Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire
Tel : 20 34 73 11/ 20 34 73 15
Fax: 20 21 37 30